How do I connect DeepAffects with Github?

Step-by-step guide

Thank you for your interest in trying out DeepAffects for Github. DeepAffects is available for install as a Github App via Github Marketplace. 

  1. Please head over to
  2. Click on setup a new plan
  3. You'll be prompted an account where to install. Note you'll need to have org admin permissions to install DeepAffects for your organization
  4. You can then choose a plan. We offer 2 plans, a free plan for open source repositories, and a paid plan for private repositories. Check out Pricing for additional details.
  5. Once you've installed, you'll be redirected to to start using DeepAffects
  6. Head over to our onboarding section for more help articles on getting started.


We offer a 14-day free trial to try out DeepAffects with Github